Hermes Replica Handbags | Replica Celine Handbags On Sale Online
A new fashion piece has just arrived at Hermes. It’s named the Hermes Replica Handbags and we are so in love. The word ‘carre’ means square in French and it also explains the shape of these pouches.
These Hermes Replica Handbags are printed with the house’s iconic symbol – the horse. Each bag is printed with a horse in different clothing. Thus each bag is also made in different colors. This unique print is called the ‘Couverture Nouvelle’ which translates to ‘New Cover’ in French.
The back of the pouch is designed with another separated color featuring vertical stripes and it looks very elegant.
The top of each pouch comes with a zip closure and short leather strap. The pouches are made from swift calfskin.
More over, these little accessories can be used as a bag insert or worn on the matching lanyard. It’s also possible to buy 3 pieces and put them together as one piece.
And also, beauty comes with a piece. Each piece is sold separately via Hermes boutiques.
Inside these pouches, there is one main compartment including 1 card slot.
Measuring 13 x 13 (L x H) cm, priced at €700 euro, £690 GBP via Replica Celine Handbags boutiques.